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What my brother wrote

The True Calling:

Concerning Gideon: 32,000 was too many against over 100,000? (32,000 is more likely to defeat the enemy than a lesser number)... Because the real battle was taking place over the minds, hearts, and souls of God's people; not their flesh, not their possessions. The hearts of God's people were turned from Him by pride; by the illusion that they can deliver themselves by their own strength. A lie that (regardless of the outcome of the battle with the Midianites) was giving Satan the real victory over God's people. To win that real battle (to turn His people back to having faith in Him and not in themselves), they had to be convinced that they could not rely on their own strength and actions to be saved; He had to convince them that any victory they might have over the Midianites was through Him and his strength rather than their own. They had to become less so He could become more. ("I must become less. He must become more." I finally realized what this really meant when Pastor Shore preached it. I could have taught it before but I never really grasped it.) The conflict you can see(or feel) isn't always the real battle; sometimes it's just the smokescreen. An illusion of victory can be the perfect defence, causing the opponent not to fight because they believe they've already won. Perfect example: A person feels convicted by the Holy Spirit after listening to a preacher's message, so he goes up during the altar call to confess his sins. When he does, the person who prays with him tells him all the emotionally encouraging things he can, telling the man that he is forgiven and free from sin because he just confessed it. (Of course what the prayer counselor doesn't mention is that in order to truly be free, the man has to repent and actually stop committing the sin. The counselor, of course, believes they have done a good thing by not pressing on the man about his sinful lifestyle, by not making the man feel judged, but by not making the man aware of the whole truth, the counselor has left the man open to the illusion of victory.) Now, the man goes home and the pleasant emotions created by the counselor's encouraging words have either erased or drowned out his feelings of conviction, so now, he believes he is free even though he has not yet stopped the sinful lifestyle. You see? Within the man, the emotional battle is won but the spirutual battle is lost. The flesh(emotions) is healthy while the spirit remains dead. And because the man is looking only at the flesh(emotions) and not the spirit(his actions; whether they are sinful or righteous in accordance with the knowledge of God's word), because he never looked and the counselor never tried to show him; the man remains oblivious, unresponsive, and unrepentant to his diseased spirit while his eyes remain fixed on his emotional health, because he has been deceived by Satan (and through the counselor's silence as to the true nature of repentence) to believe that his emotions are a clearer indication of his spiritual state than his actions, that the man-made scale by which he judged those emotions is superior to the scale created by God(His Word), and ultimately, behind it all, that the human judgement which formed that scale to begin with is superior to God's wisdom, thus making the creation(the sinner) superior to the Creator. (See the rebellious/Satanic mindset?) All the counselor was willing to show him was the emotion and the emotional victory that their words helped bring about rather than the real battle, the spiritual battle whose victory could only be brought about through action, not words, not tears, not emotional validation. By using a human form of judgement in his actions the prayer counselor did not benefit the man, the sinner. The counselor did not show him how to be freed from his sins but only how to feel comfortable with them, to convince himself that through words, tears, emotions (and/or other forms of human effort apart from direct obedience to God) that he could be righteous before God. To Only those who love God will see Him. He does not desire sacrifice; emotion, tears, words, etc. He desires obedience...Love. We should preach that. Teach people what love actually is so when they hear the words 'love the lord your God with all you heart, with all you soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength' that they will not start spewing words or tears or emotion as an offering to Him but as it is written in Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, will 'go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God.' Obedience. Obedience. Not something you work up to in your walk with God. It is what your relationship with God starts with and is based on. Without it, there is nothing. As the word says, you can speak in the tongues of men and of angels, have many gifts, but if you do not have love, you are an empty noise maker(paraphrase). Nothing more. Without love, without obedience, you have nothing with God; no relationship, no hope. At most, only an emotional illusion. Repentence means literally to turn away from sin; to become obedient. John the baptist said that repentence is not an eventual effect of having received Christ. He said it was the road to Him. That turning from your sin, obeying, is at the root, the very heart of your relationship with God. It is not the side effect. Emotion is the side effect. Obedience the heart of our relationship with God. I believe, presently, that Satan's greatest victory within the church(the people themselves) has been to reverse that within the minds and hearts of those who claim faith in Christ so that rather than faithfully seeking to obey God above all and being willing to face any emotion or external situation to maintain this obedience, they instead seek a certain emotion or external situation above all and consider obedience as either the side effect or the trial they must face in order to maintain this emotion or external situation. To place your desire to benefit someone above your desire to feel close to them is called love. To place your desire to feel close to someone above your desire to benefit them is called lust. I believe we live in a generation of 'Christians' who lust after God rather than love Him; who seek emotional confirmation of God's Presence above actually honoring his desires and commands. Who cry out in tears for a 'touch' calling that desire love while cringing at the 'judgmental', 'legalistic' idea of total submission and obedience to Him. To God LOVE IS OBEDIENCE! To reject obedience is to reject loving God. To look down condescendingly at the idea of obedience is to look down at the idea of real love for God. To have a defensive aversion to total obedience is to have a defensive aversion to loving God. Indoctrinating that idea of placing the name of love on what is actually lust, inflaming their desire to 'feel' God while at the same time giving them an aversion to obeying God, is Satan's perfect weapon. It makes the 'church' seek everything the world wants (emotional validation, security, physical situtation) and whether they succeed or fail in attaining it, it doesn't matter because all the unbelieving world will see is their own desire; not God's and not the desire God wants his children to have. There are no illegitimate children in the kingdom of God. God desires that in love, the faithfully kept selfless promise of marriage is the relationship's heart and soul; that the selfless commitment comes first and then the physical intimacy. Do you think He merely desires this for human relationships? It is the same way with Him. It is part of his set, changeless nature that He is trying to convey to us through his commands concerning our relationships, so that the relationships serve as parables that can teach us about God. ... I'm getting a sense right now that this is something I should try to talk with you face to face about.

  2:33 on Saturday, Feb 3rd 2008

O yes now I remember. I was driving to the library about to use their high speed when I stopped a t a light. I saw these people who looked like protesters, a father and his son, who were holding up signs that said "Jesus saith" basically Jesus saith this and that. Blah blah blah. It kind of saddened me a little now that I think about it. The reason being is that the way someone witnesses is not like that at all. Evangelism is a bi product of your live lived out for Christ in worship. You should not have to shout or hold up banners that say "Jesus saith." That actually pushes away and makes our witness false to other people and thus they are never able to see Jesus because they believe the life of a Christian to be like that person holding up the banner, yelling and saying that everybody else is wrong and we are right. That is not Christly at all, in fact, it is worldly. No wonder we aren't reaching the lost. We go out when it is comfortable for us and we witness, instead of getting to know those people so that they can get to know us and see our lives and how we live them out, which is the true witness, not filling the environment with noise and shouting them down, pushing our beliefs down their throats. And even if that worldly way of witnessing with banners and being a jerk to others manages to convert one person, the person will not be a strong Christian. We all take on the environment that we were raised in. Therefore when that one person is won over, they will take on that nature of holding up banners, shouting everybody down, and the like. It is sad that people conceive of using such horrid ways of witnessing or evangelizing, despite the fact that it is not witnessing because it is a worldly standard of evangelizing. True witnessing is about humble broken people who are imperfect and plain honest with their God. It is our lives that witness and show Christ or Satan to that person, not our flashy words or how much scripture we have memorized and are able to shout out on command, anyone can do that. It pains me that people don't know how to witness and live for Christ, but that is how it is for some reason. God is separating the wheat from the tares and in the end all will be made right. All in all I really wanted to park my vehicle and give the man a piece of my mind, to tell him and show him how a life sold out to Jesus is lived out, but he would get offended and just start shouting scriupture against me and since he has more scripture memorized he would use that to keep his mind from receiving the word of God from my mouth. God help us all and break our hearts so that we can truly be shown the example of how to live a life that witnessses Christ to others which is the real way that we share the gospel. Take away our perverted mindset which says since we know alot of scripture that it makes us spiritual, and that we are right and they are wrong. Even from the mouths of pagan kings God speaks. Ruin us God and break our hearts.

Of music:Many interesting things I have learned about music. It lives to serve and to be served, demanding our utmost passion and sacrifice to perfect it and serve others with it while at the same serving it. It can transform a person and persons from the inside out. It is everyone's individually and it is everyone's as a whole. Music cannot die. No matter if we get amnesia it remains within the deepest part of our soul and spirit. Every creature and creation and even God sings its own unique song with passion and zeal, with sacrifice and the like. There is so much joy and at the same time sorrow. Music mirrors human kind alike and being separate from one another. It mirrors us and it mirrors our insides to one another. Music is a vessel. All of mankind together and separate can breathe into it and it take form and have substance and our own spirit and spirits within it. It can house more then one person soul with in it. Many can make a beautiful symphony or musical collage together or one can make one alone. It is never ending. There is just too much to music to put into words and to describe to someone. It is something that one can experience on their own without being taught. One can never be within contact with another person's joy and yet that person make a piece of music with that joy within it and when that separate person hears that piece of music, they feel the exact same way that that person separate from them felt. Music cannot be put into a box it cannot be contained by us and yet it can live inside of us all and in fact does. People who deny its power cannot for music never dies. It is not living nor is it dead at the same time. It lives for us to serve it and at the same time to serve us. Music unites all of mankind together in one accord. It is one of the greatest gifts of God to man kind. To the righteous and the unrighteous. It is free and the same time is not free. It requires blood and at the same time does not require blood. For the peasant and the prince alike, never discriminating against one man who is lowly and the other man who is high and exalted.

Music is awesome. The universe was conceived upon music, the starts sing together. This is scientifically proven.  And they say that all atoms came from the stars.

The convictions of Dominic La Pinta. Why I write the way that I write:
I am the type that has been given strong Christian convictions and I do not sit idly by and let people who are puffed up on their emotions and their feelings which are like the seasons, never constant, do as they please. I always present a Godly and Biblical standard and why it is un-Godly why they are talking about and the like. I always write from my heart and what god has put into it. There was a time when I was a patsy and I let everyone say what they wanted to say. I kept the voice of God inside myself so that others could not hear it. I was sinning against god for doing such things to His truths that were deposited inside of me. Then one day I decided to listen to God and be honest with myself and with others. I write my thoughts down on myspace because when I am confronted I feel rushed by people. Especially in this society when someone is always being rushed to perform for others and in constant motion. Instead of standing still and listening. It is more about it seems how much you can say and how many words you can fit into the atmosphere. Filling the environment with noise. This one of the great sins of America, that it is more about how much we know instead of our character and God's wisdom and sound doctrine. People are such patsy's now a days. If someone pays money they are anointed. If they go to Bible college and inside they are cowards but they know a lot of scripture and have it memorized they are looked on as spiritual. There is a fine line between memorizing scripture and the scripture being a part of your very spirit. People do not know the difference and that is a key issue. So in closing of this blog I have this to say. Get used to it everybody. Cause I am not compromising anymore. I will speak out against what is wrong. I will submit and speak forth Godly doctrine unto you. I will be Biblical. I will not be a patsy and I will speak the truth, even if all of your friends are lying to you to make you feel better because they like you but do not care about you to tell you the truth, I will tell you the truth. Also one big thing about myself to you who is reading this blog: I am not a clone, I am unique. I am not just copying someone else's words and repeating them in blog form. I only speak from what is apart of me and is not stolen from others. So I sound different then other people and I am not part of a clique so you will hear me address other thing then just what everybody else in their little cliques is echoing back and forth. I am going to be honest: When I look across many myspace blogs I see the exact same thing over and over again just worded differently to cover up that it is not a real part of that person. Basically they are stealing what is not their and calling it their own uniqueness. Are there any who are unique but still a part of a whole? That is very possible. But people hate that idea for some reason. Adam and Eve were one unit but were separate beings. The trinity is a part of one being but they are at the same time three separate manifestations. Do you get what I am saying? Oh yeah and before I end this blog I will say this to all of you. Don't yell at me when I get a little harsh when your friends and the like are far worse and far crueler then me. You really have no right to call me harsh and cruel when the people you know are harsh to others and irreverent and rude and the like. So before you start making futile comments about me and how I am harsh, take a good look at yourselves and your people you know who are cruel and the like… Sorry I just had to get that off my chest. Well anyways, take care all. May fair winds be with you.

A broken heart: Part 2...

Me heart is also saddened when I learn that there are preachers in churches across Michigan who pray over and lie to congregations about them having it bad, when in reality the congregations have it very good. They have it made. They have their cell phones, their computers and the like, their fancy cars, all of their friends, they are happily married. The only real thing they have experienced that makes them think that they have it bad is a bad day. Where as there are those who have it bad, those who are going through or have gone through hell. What is wrong with pastors and the like, preaching lies about prosperity and the like and lying to people making them think that they have it bad when they don't. When you do something like that you make them think they have it bad and then when crisis arises they fold up and lose it. Instead of saying the truth, that they have it made in the shade, that everything is handed to them, they never have to sacrifice, others sacrifice for them, they have no reverency either. God there is so much lack of reverency. They want a ministry, then be reverent, be truly humble, suffer with others who are hurting around you, understand their pain and see through their eyes. Oh how you oh rich American churches are wrong, how you exalt the rich and complain about nothing at all. You will be judged for these sins, your sins or irreverency and claiming the gifts of the Spirit that you have not worked for. Everything in this world, in this universe costs something, something must be lost and sacrificed to gain and conceived something else. That is the law of life and of the universe and existence itself. Alchemists came across this truth, why can Christians? You know back in the days of the Nazi's. There would be churches that were constructed by train railways. Now there were trains filled with the Jews who were locked in the train cars awaiting execution at concentration camps to be slaughtered. Everyday the train cars would pass by on the railways and there would be blood curdling screams from all of the Jews on board those train cars, cries for salvation and to be saved from dying and being put to death. You know what churches would do? They would blare their music and play their instruments so that each Sunday they didn't have to hear the screams of Jews going to be slaughtered. Also when babies were sacrificed in the fires of the Baal statues the people there would beat drums really loudly so that they couldn't hear the noises of the babies set on fire screaming and dying. My overall point is that reaching the lost and the like will not happen if we continue the sin of disobedience and irreverency. We need to reach out of ourselves and stop being like clingy immature women who want and keep everything to themselves. We need to reach out to the hurting that lye on our own borders. The widows, the raped, the suicidal, the in hell on earth children who have horrid parents or a horrid parent going through a nervous breakdown while raising their child, who beat their child and don't think a second thought of it. Those parents who say that cutting and the like is only a stage, or deny that their child is doing it, or the parents who say that everything is their child's fault, who dishonor their children and the like. Neglecting our own is why God has not moved in our midst. As well as the great sin of irreverency. The Bible states that "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you." In closing, my heart is really saddened as I write this and it is still saddened when I think about all of those hurting out there. What is wrong with us that we cannot see it? We talk about, about being there for a person and or persons, but can we really? I have come across a harsh truth in my Christian walk with Christ. And this is it: Some truths that are revealed to us, we cannot actually live, for we have been living too long the wrong way that we are permanently ruined, and at the same time we know the truth. It is incredibly saddening to learn that for I see it in me. That is why I have written this blog. Perhaps it will help people to understand about their world and how it is in hell and instead of neglecting their own and going across the seas to help others, (which is really ignoring those right in front of you because you know that it will cost sweat and blood and sacrifice. I am for helping others in other countries but still you need to be aware of the great need in front of you as well.) that they should help those right in front of them screaming out to them so loud in agony for help and salvation and freedom from their cages of torture. As I said in my other blog as well: Try to look through others eyes and see their world's. those worlds which they are imprisoned and unable to escape unless someone who has the means is able to help them. Learn to suffer with them showing them that they are not alone. Stop trying to fill the environment with words all of the time, one of the greatest things to a person and one of the greatest comforts that can ease their suffering is the power of presence, just being there, even if you don't speak a word to them. It is scientifically proven that when a person is touched, just a simple touch, actually changes things inside a person body then when they are not touched. They also have done tests about it as well: A baby that is not touched very much is when they get older scared and the like much easier then when a baby is held and touched, when the baby is held and touched they turn out more confident and not as messed up later on in life. There is but one more truth that has been lied to congregations about for as long as I can remember... This one truth is one of the biggest lies of the enemy to Christians. THE WORLD IS LOOKING FOR JESUS THE WORLD IS LOOKING FOR JESUS. THE WORLD IS LOOKING FOR JESUS... WE HAVE JUST BEEN SUCH CRAPTACULAR WITNESSES FOR CHRIST THAT THE WORLD THINKS WHAT WE ARE WITNESSING FROM WHICH IS OUR FLESH AND ITS INTERPRITATIONS IS JESUS CHRIST. THEREFORE MAKING THEM BELIEVE THAT THEY DONT WANT CHRIST WHEN IN REALITY THEY DO WANT CHRIST. THEY JUST SEE OUR WITNESS AND THEY BELIEVE THAT SINCE WE ARE CHRISTIANS, THAT THAT IS HOW CHRIST IS. THE FAULT LIES WITH US AND OUR POOR EXAMPLE AND WITNESS FOR GOD, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE, AND THEIR BLOOD IS ON OUR HANDS. The enemy would have us believe that because it causes us to become militant and Christ himself was not militant, Christ was like a child, He did not have his own agenda, He came and did what the Fahter wanted Him to do. Christ is the kindness and love of the Father, he is the likeness of God. Christ reached out. Becomming militant denies reachign out to otherts because the very instance someone becomes militant they loose love and they have their mission to uphold. Example 1: When we came into the war with Iraq, did we try to reach out to them, NO! what we did was start to blow the crap out of them. Example 2: Revolutionary War. Did we sit down with the British and ask them to surrender, explaining our political views and various beliefs about not being taxed? NO! We blew the crap out of them as well. Reason why believing that the world isnt looking for the real Jesus Christ: It puts the center attention on us. That they hate Jesus Christ, yeah they really do, if they did hate Him, then on judgement day when they all see Him in His glory, about to send them to eternal hell, their expressions will not change and they will still say "I am right, there is no God, Heaven, this place that I am standing right now is all a dream, a trick of the mind."

A broken heart:

It really saddens me when there are people out there who give up on seeing their own importance, who are obsessed with death, who like to cut themselves, who hate themselves, who believe that it is their fault that their parents are horrible, that their parents are messed up and horrible to them. I have dealt with the same things in my life and I know that it is not right. My heart really goes out to them all, but I am not near them, so how can I help them. All I have are my words. I have dealt first hand and have gone through a very dark time in my own live. Dealing with death, its intoxicating aroma. Causing me to hate my own life, desiring death, praying for it. I knew the value of life but I didn't consider my own life worth burdening others to worry about me, and yet here I am today. I know that it was all a lie, that death is not the answer, nor is it healthy to be infatuated and obsessed with it. That hurting myself is not the answer and only enhances the hurt in my heart by so much. I want so much to help people who are obsessed with death, to show them that light is all around them, to tell them showing them my life, how I have overcome it all, how I am not of that perverted line and trend of thought that modern day culture has become about. That their presence is so much of a betterment to the world and everyone around them, that those people can hurt with one another and heal one another in the process. Maybe I am sounding a little girly by admitting all of this in blog form, but it is my heart. But for some reason I am separated from them. Those who are obsessed with death, those who hate their lives, and pray for death to come to them. What is wrong with people to think like that. What has bewitched them into this perversion. Why do they cling so readily to deaths influences. Why cant they see the light in them that will appear when they throw off such perversions? Why can I not help them God? Why does it seem that I am kept here, imprisoned, just existing? Seeing the hurts of others and yet unable to go to them and suffer with them to let them know that they are not alone and that there are others out there like me if only they would let others know what hell is raging and what hell that they are in daily on this earth. Yes there is a real hell in the living and not just the dead. Yes there are so many suffering when we just choose to overlook them all and see people over sees who are physically starving and we choose to help them instead of those who are right in front of our eyes suffering with horrid lives, enhanced by hell on earth, in various manifestations and the like. What is wrong with man kind that he would overlook his own fellow man. Sending money is the easy part, suffering with those who are hurting and on our own soil is the hard part. Please everyone, there is a world that you are in that is hurting and you need to suffer with those around you to bring light back into them, to raise them up from their bed of death and their infatuations with death and the desire to die. Anyone can die with a person or die for a person, but can one live for that person or person? Can one live for a person or persons? Please I urge all of you who may read this blog that I may post as a bulletin as well… Live for people, live for a person or persons, dying for a person is easy, living for a person is hard. I have been given a rare gift. I am able to see through a persons eyes and know what they really need, to understand each reason behind what they believe and why they believe it so strongly and why they live the way that they live. I thank God for that gift for it is divine. I have seen no one who possesses that gift. Are there any remnants of the gift that God has given to me? Are there people who are reverent towards one another and who respect any man or woman the same as the next? I mean really, is there any like I have described, living in this world. Maybe it is just where I live or the burden that God has put on my heart concerning this issue. I was talking about this gift to a close friend of mine and they agree it is rare. I am not exalting myself at all. I am just trying to make a point and alert people at the same time with that point. Learn how to see the world through a persons eyes, learn what life is to that person and understand that person in the process in able to reach out to them, to help them and to help them live once again. We have become comatose to what is in front of our own eyes that is so loud and shouting and visible, in able to feel comfortable. Be compassionate everyone.